Business Transfer

When buying or selling a business of any size confidentiality is paramount. Ellis and Partners recognise this and instructions are dealt with discretely and carefully at all times.

Objective impartial advice:

When looking at a sale or acquisition we will provide you with an entirely unbiased view of the business in question and will advise you in the most practical way to achieve your objectives.

Targeted advertising campaigns:

All businesses are different and may require an entirely different approach to marketing which could range from individual targeted marketing at director level to wide spread press advertising or more focused advertising in specialist media.

Advisory service on business development:

You may be contemplating expanding your business or opening additional branches and we can provide a rounded service covering all aspects including an independent review of existing operations and practical advice on the cost implications of expansion.

Access to in house advice on all property related matters:

As a business owner you may need advice on rent review, lease renewal, dilapidations, building repair or numerous other property related matters and our multi-skilled team will be able to provide all this advice from a single point of contact.

Close liaison with solicitors and tax consultants of all aspects of disposal or acquisition:

A business sale can be a complex matter and we will liaise with your other advisors on aspects such as the tax and legal implications.