Ellis and Partners were approached by the owners of 99 High St Lymington after the ground floor commercial unit became vacant. The existing shop front from the 1970’s was of poor quality and not considered to be either in keeping with the Historic Nature of the property, or to best utilise the narrow frontage available due to it also incorporating stairs to a separate basement area. Our task therefore was to design a shop front that better suited the Listed building and also made use of the prime frontage. Through careful research and liaising with Heritage Consultants and the LPA Conservation Officer we were able to agree a new design for the shop front, including the removal of more modern basement stair and other unsympathetic internal alterations. It is envisaged that the new shop front will not only enhance the property, but also complement its historic neighbours and the wider Lymington Conservation Area.  With the ground floors improved access and increased prime floor area suiting a wider range of potential commercial tenants we do not see it remaining empty for long, no doubt adding to the vibrancy and diversity of the Lymington Town Centre

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